10 Fool proof Ways to Get More Followers on Twitter

How can you get faster followers on Twitter and thousands of followers on Twitter every day, and increase their influence on Twitter. There are several ways to
1. Get verified - This is the easiest way if you are a celebrity or acquaintance in place - apply to check and once the word that he is the true self (and not fake Twitter account is like your profile) , people flock to follow every word you say. For example, most Bollywood celebrities on Twitter are checked and when the Dalai Lama received a verified account a month ago, attended by around 200,000 followers on Twitter!
2. Twitter Follower Exchange - If you follow Twitter users in 1000 today, how many you think back on track - 60%, maybe 40%, or maybe even 20% say less. If one accepts that means that if you start to follow the 1,000 new people will follow you back at least 200 - and if you need to do it consistently, you can have thousands of followers on Twitter for free! I was surprised when I followed Obama back to Twitter, but later realized that many auto follow Twitter tools out there that can do it automatically. And, of course, just returned to the list is Twitter, which you can touch effectively.
3. Get suggested - sooner if he managed to get on the list of Twitter users suggested at all costs, do not look for more Twitter followers. Twitter followers to win at a rate of thousands per day! Now, how to enter the suggested Twitter is a closely guarded secret. Over time, the proposed list is now more user-centered and less influential than in the past, but you know how Britney Spears won 200 000 followers in a month!
4. Being charitable - Will you follow me if I tweeted I will donate $ 1 to the Red Cross for every new Twitter follower made during next week? You probably thought it was a gimmick, and would not trust me to donate money. But if a tech guru and respected organization highlighted the agreement that you would not mind following someone else - and this will lead to a huge jump easily. Tim Ferris has done and got 5000 followers in 3 days!
5. Share your own right - This is useful for companies that want to tell their secret coupon codes, promotional codes and exclusive discounts - just heat and discomfort.
6. Attracting users of Twitter - if Twitter was a cool T-shirt boldly display my Twitter ID - You follow? You may not, but I certainly remember if you put down Twitter for the friends of his party. Find unique ideas for marketing your Twitter ID and attract followers on Twitter.
7. People on the lists - if somehow got his name on the list 50 times the most popular celebrities on Twitter do not be surprised to get a few thousand followers on Twitter overnight. There are many lists of Twitter is popular in different slots, try to reach and become famous.
8. Giving gifts - If I say I'm going to give a gift card for $ 200 to a new random Twitter follower Amazon who joined me during the next week - the number of new of new Twitter followers will fall to it? I'm sure a few thousand will come easily. As I said, you would not mind following someone else. Of course, you must be honest and give the gift too. And people forget to unsubscribe!
9. Buy Twitter followers - This is the easiest way, if you do not want to do anything. Money can buy everything, and even the followers on Twitter are for sale. Many of the marketing services you sell Twitter followers is a reasonable price. If you're willing to spend money, you can Er 100 000 $ 3,500 followers easily, and even lower if you look around. Then you can imagine the effect on Twitter, and boast about it.
10th Purchase Twitter accounts - Here is a way that some people use to make money online. If you start a new profile, just buy a Twitter account with thousands of followers. Some people sell their Twitter accounts when they reach a few thousand followers, and if you keep doing it repeatedly is a good income expected. [But remember that Twitter could violate terms of service]. Yet what makes this really easy is that Twitter allows you to easily change the profile name in one click so you do not have to stick the name of the seller's account, and no one knows.