Thursday, August 11, 2011

Type 2 Diabetes - People With Diabetes Can Eat Sugar Or Sweets?

Although everyone has heard of diabetes, many do not understand what the process of diabetes. There are so many misconceptions about the disease floating around. The most common, you're likely to hear is how to manage diabetes with candy. Many people believe they are simply not allowed to have sugar at all, but fortunately for them, this is not the case. But it's true when you have diabetes, all eyes are on sugar.

Just because you have diabetes, type 1 or type 2 diabetes does not mean that you can not enjoy life, eat well and live healthy!

Where the white sugar is concerned: this is different from that type of sugar that occurs in nature. Refined white sugar is highly processed and the type of chemical that actually promotes type 2 diabetes.

Many people believe that diabetics are basically allergic to natural sugar and refined sugar, and is the main reason for them to have diabetes. Although people with diabetes can eat foods that are sweet to be very careful in doing so.

The effect of glucose or sugar on the body of a diabetic is very long compared to the effect of a non-diabetic. Blood sugar of a diabetic is not handled properly, and thus remain in the blood instead of being used as fuel by entering their cells, as it is intended. Excess blood sugar is the main problem for them and so their pancreas produces large amounts of insulin in an attempt to help the glucose into the cells. Their cells are insulin resistant.

Diabetics can eat sugar until it's in moderation. The body can not be avoided in some 'sugar ... necessary for some sugars own survival. Your cells break these down and turn the energy of glucose for you. Sugars are part of many of the foods we eat, for example. fruits and vegetables. Add sugar or sugar found in foods, processed foods, is another matter.

To avoid hyperglycemia: The type of glucose or sugar to be carefully considered in relation to:

* Time to eat a meal, and

* Just what is actually included in the meal, and

* The amount of each food group.

For example, carbohydrates and starch what will be eaten during the meal, and is included proteins. For many carbohydrates and starch have a negative effect on blood sugar, the three to be taken into consideration when it comes to the condition that they can make on ... high blood sugar.

Many diabetics are advised to never eat sweets between meals, as this is a recipe for disaster. They will experience a dramatic increase in the amount of sugar in the blood. In extreme cases, they can not feel the same effect with diabetes, but a much smaller scale. But when a diabetic experiences of this condition, it can be a very serious matter.

For high blood sugar occurs, it is important that the level should be reduced as quickly as possible while you do it safely ...

* Walk at least 10 minutes, you reduce your blood sugar, exercise acts as an insulin injection

* Eat some 'of protein (without exaggerated number) will help, as well as

* Drinking water helps flush out the sugar through the kidneys.

For diabetics to enjoy sweet, you should understand about how you can have both, and what to look for if you begin to feel the effects of these foods. Type 1 diabetics are often advised to eat sweets before exercise, but with Type 2 diabetes is advisable to include sweets in your meal.

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